Break it Down – An Inside Look at our Services & Methodology
We’re guessing you’ve already read our preceding article giving a deeper glimpse into Break it Down’s founders, team & vision. If not, please go check it out!
In this follow-up article, we’re giving you that same insider look, but this time focused on some key aspects of our methodologies, why we’ve adopted a business model that strays from mainstream waste diversion techniques, and what it means for our clients and for the future of organic waste diversion.
Clients’ Favorite Features:
A quick look at our Services Page will tune you in to the basic services we offer, but if there’s one thing we have learned, it is that waste diversion requires more than a one-size-fits-all solution! Break it Down’s services boast several features that allow us to create the most individualized plan for each business or community.
—Bins swapped with rinsed-clean bins at each pickup, to deter pests & foul odors
—5+ sizes & shapes of compost and recycling bins
—Bin locking services to prevent compost contamination & runaway bins
—Valet service – in case you can’t deliver your waste to the curb, we’ll come in & grab it!
—7 days a week availability (we’re operating 362 days a year!)
—BPI certified compostable bags in many sizes (BioBag Brand)

We pride ourselves in being able to accommodate your exact needs, but our mission doesn’t stop there. By embracing a different mentality around how we service clients, we set the stage for awesomeness.

Organics Diversion Methodology
People often ask us why we follow the business model we do. “You’ve grown a lot since the days where you shuttled around town in a beat-up van, loading up barrels of compost by hand. Wouldn’t a compacting garbage truck be more efficient?” or “Couldn’t a dumpster be better suited than using a few separate 64-gallon carts to accommodate larger volumes of organic waste?”
Well, respectfully friends, we say “Heck no!” It’s true that Break it Down has seen wild growth over the last 14 years, but for many reasons, we do things a little differently than your typical commercial waste hauler, and we’ll share several reasons why…
Exploration of Organics Diversion
When you have the lofty goal of searching for the highest-value end use of organic waste, it requires a slight trade-off in efficiency, and a big commitment to getting up close and personal with that waste. We simply can’t have all that beautiful Juiceland fruit & veggie pulp, leftover Red Ash Italia spaghetti, Ramen Tatsu-Ya broth and bone, human hair, mushroom substrate and other forms of organic waste that we collect sloshing all around together in a big garbage truck. If we plan to discover niche ways to upcycle these waste streams, keeping the source material separate is key! Our business model of using smaller bins, and bringing the bin back to our warehouse, allows us to do just that.
Supporting Clients’ Favorite Service
As we grew and began to entertain the idea of using larger compacting garbage trucks for efficiency, we realized this would get in the way of our clients favorite feature: Clean Bins. We swap out your used compost bin(s) with rinsed-clean containers at every pickup, so you can focus less on a troublesome waste area and more on doing what you do best! This alone requires a much different approach, requiring that we spend more time and deliberation to pack our trucks with the specific type and quantity of clean bins needed to swap all client bins along the trucks’ routes.
Stinky, Dirty Dumpsters
Beyond the separation of materials, in our experience, large compactors and dumpsters come with some pretty fatal flaws. For one, they rarely, if ever, get hosed down. Dumpster odors are already notorious, but picture amplifying that smell by consistently depositing food waste only, day after day, without any cleaning. Over time, we’re talking #putrid smells, and a huge attractant of troublesome pests.
The Dumpster Disaster
We also find that in general, composting dumpsters are often a magnet for contamination. Much like the cross-contamination that is seen when businesses or housing communities have separate dumpsters for recycling and landfill waste, it can feel impossible to ward off passersby from using the wrong receptacle. It’s vital for companies pursuing the diversion of substantial organic waste volumes to understand that even a small amount of trash or inorganic materials mixed in with the compost can often result in the hauler redirecting the entire load straight to the landfill. What a shame!
By using smaller, cleaner & more secure collection bins, as well as keeping that material separate from other sources, and then hand-sorting out any contamination – this ultimately means that your efforts to divert organics from the landfill will be more than just wishful thinking!
Recycling & Beyond
Break it Down is proud to offer the most comprehensive range of recycling hauling services in Central Texas. We go well beyond the standard recycling fare to include much harder-to-find services like plastic film recycling, aseptic carton recycling, oil/grease recycling, cardboard & mulch recycling, commercial cardboard bale pickups, and much more. And again, don’t forget to take advantage of our free public cardboard drop-off!
For so long, and for so many people, recycling and especially composting have been underappreciated for the benefits they bring for our communities. Break it Down sets out to make a difference in public awareness by offering free educational sessions and materials to all of our clients and their staff.
One key goal of Break it Down’s waste diversion education program is to stress that we’re not here to virtue signal or make you feel bad about forgetting to bring your reusable bags into H-E-B. We’re just here to introduce unaware Texans to the concepts of composting and/or recycling in a way that truly engages them.
Another major goal of our education program is to reduce compost contamination. Why? Because contaminated compost is basically as useless as a screen door on a submarine, and that’s not what we’re about. We’ve put together some great educational resources, from videos to bilingual signage, and we even offer free in-person training in English and Spanish. It’s all about spreading the word and helping our community to embrace and understand the value of composting. After all, sending a head of lettuce to the landfill in a plastic bag is not doing our home sweet home of Texas any favors. We’d rather see that lettuce head turn into something positive – reptile feed, garden amendment – to return to our local ecosystem.
So, there you have it, folks – a nice little peek into how Break it Down is redefining waste diversion by taking roads less traveled. We’re more than just a composting service; we’re innovators who recognize the economic and social value of turning urban waste into a resource. If you’re ready to commit to responsible waste diversion practices, we’re here to help. Let’s make a positive impact together.

Where does it all come from?
Right here in Austin & surrounding areas! We’ve fostered long standing relationships with many of Austin’s local favorites, from the juiciest Juiceland juicery to the mouthwatering kingdom of Ramen Tatsu-Ya, as well as local mushroom, worm, and cattle farms – we’re in cahoots with your business neighbors big and small to create something truly special (and more importantly, truly useful!) from your leftover spaghetti, bones, human hair, and even the mulch from fallen branches in your neighborhood!
We’re super proud of our team, our vision & accomplishments, and the truth is, we’re just getting warmed up.